They Can't Hold Me Down
In a world where negativity from other people has brought the best of the best to their demise, Venture's stories of challenges, family struggles, and workplace opposition, will bring the best out of anyone looking to improve their life. From a small town girl, to an award winning coach, model, pageant winner, and sports commentator, Venture has tried to live her life to the fullest. She chronicles her journey in her first book, They Can't Hold Me Down.
As I began to write my book, “They Can't Hold Me Down,” I sat back and looked at life. I look at my life as I was growing up in the small town of Hooks, Texas, where everyone got along with each other. If you got in trouble at school, you got in trouble at home. The teachers never retire. They work until they are 80. For real y'all...How old is Mrs. Baker? No one really knows. There was only one stoplight in the whole town. That is unless you count the one for Red River Army Depot. The police officers knew everyone. So much so that one time when my dad had drunk a little too much, we all decided to drive him home. We were young girls; I think Christal was 12, Misty was 9, and I was maybe 8 years old. The police officer stopped us and then followed us home to make sure we made it safely. I guess he figured it was safer for us to drive than dad. I want everyone to take a look into the life of a country girl who always tried to “Do it Big” daily. So much so that I want to inspire others to continue to do great things or begin if you have not started. I have traveled the world, interviewed celebrities, NBA players, NFL players, WNBA players, and music moguls. I have also spoken to groups that are considered the elite. I have truly been blessed, and I hope that this book will motivate others to one day set big dreams and always strive to reach them.
Texarkana, TX, April 6, 2020 - In the midst of a virus that has shocked the world, Venture Watson intends to bring hope, guidance, love, and light to the world in her unique way. In her first release on College Boy Publishing, she brings her best self in; They Can't Hold Me Down.
Available Tuesday, April 7, 2020, the title itself speaks of her trials and tribulations facing rare health issues, trials of life, family, motherhood, and coming of age in a small town.
Her resilience through every trial paints a picture of what God can and will do for you. You will laugh, cry, and be put right into the adventures of Venture, as she tells of experiences in ways in which only she can.
Venture Watson is a wife, mother, teacher, coach, pageant winner, mentor, sportscaster, and lover of life. Like many teachers, she's been adjusting to the new teaching mediums in place due to schools across the country being shut down. "While we teachers always appreciate and need a break, one of the main reasons why you teach is the interaction with the children. Right now, we can't interact with them in the manner we're used to interacting," says Venture.
All parents are having to make adjustments during these times and seem to appreciate teachers more and more each day. According to Venture, "My nieces and nephews are temporarily staying with us because my sisters work in corporate America and run their own businesses. So, we are all working together and making adjustments. Helping with homework, games, and making good memories. It's been a lot of fun having all of them together."
When asked what she wants people to get from the book, "I hope people will read my book, They Can't Hold Me Down, and be encouraged not to be mentally held down during these trying times. Let it be a reminder that life is full of adventures, joy, pain, laughs, cries, and most importantly never forget to go after their dreams. Times like this help us to refocus and appreciate all the blessings we already have," says Venture.
There's rarely a time of isolation that can't be made more enjoyable with a good book. Venture Watson's, They Can't Hold Me Down, is a perfect and enjoyable read for book lovers who love family, God, good food, travel, sports, and country living.